Friday, April 9, 2021

Reduce Inappropriate Helicopter Utilization in EMS KRMC in Kingman can handle most patients

When local EMT's call for a Medical Helicopter rather than drive the 38 minutes to KRMC in Kingman it can costs you an $25,000 and can take over an hour....

If you have serious trauma that requires a Trauma Center with 24/7 Surgeons a Medical Helicopter is a good call. 

If you are having heat stroke, heart attack, seizure, or stroke, KRMC is 38-40 minutes away and can handle most patients

Every patient transported to Las Vegas when a trauma center in not required KRMC and the local economy looses thousands of dollars.

Using a Medical Helicopter simply because our local ambulance is underfunded or inadequately staffed isn't an acceptable solution 

The article below is about how and when a helicopter should be called. I hope it answers some questions. 

Reduce Inappropriate Helicopter Utilization in EMS

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