Monday, February 17, 2025

Sex Offender Offender Details on John Lilly LMRFD Volunteer? Warning Sent by Mohave County Sheriff February 13th 2025

I was told by Chief Bonnee he did a background check on volunteer John Lilly and found nothing. My guess is if the board checked they would find the chief was untruthful again and no background check was done as required to protect the citizens. We all know the fire board will not check this out and even if found to be true, will do nothing... 

Name:John Brackthan Lilly
Level:Level 1

Physical Description
• Age:54• Height:6'00''
• Sex:M• Weight:340lbs
• Race:White• Eyes:Hazel
• Hair:Brown
• Scars/Tattoos:Tattoo on R_arm (VIKING, DRAGON, TRIBAL) , Tattoo on L_arm (ELEPHANT, 21 ON LEFT HAND) , Tattoo on R_leg ($ ACE AND KING OF SPADES, TRIBAL, SRL)
Other Known Addresses
• Description:13-1405 - Sexual conduct with a minor (attempted)
• Conviction State:Arizona
 Tell A Friend 

John Brackthan Lilly

Submit a tip or correction for this offender

Register to track this offender

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Why This is So Important to Me... This is a Repost from Aug 6, 2015 it explains why educating the taxpayers of the LMRFD is so important to me..

This is a Repost from Aug 6, 2015 it explains why educating the taxpayers of the LMRFD is so important to me....

This is important to me because in my younger years I was a volunteer firefighter, I worked in law enforcement for many years, and on an Advanced Life Support Ambulance, and I've seen to many people die that didn't need to.

I did CPR for the first time when I was 16. CPR was something new at that time. There was no 911, or paramedics, most ambulances ran out of funeral homes. I remember the ambulance attendants hooked up an automatic CPR machine ran from the oxygen tank, they loaded him up and took off.

That wasn't the last time I did CPR, working on an ALS ambulance in Spokane, we did CPR on a regular basis. Emergency medicine is a love hate relationship. You love to save people, and hate to lose a patient.

It's hours and hours of boredom, interrupted only by moments of sheer panic. Then your training kicks in and you get to help people on the worst day of their life, and hopefully make it better.

Being an EMT or paramedic isn't just a job, you hold people's lives in your hand everyday. So you need to love what you do, or go home you're no good to me. I was trained as a Mobile Intensive Care Unit Paramedic at Daniel Freeman Hospital in Inglewood California during the 1984 Olympics.

I learned to deliver babies at Martin Luther King Hospital in Watts, cardiac and respiratory at USC Medical Center in Los Angels, and trauma at Cedar Sinai Hospital in West Hollywood.

It was a serious paramedic school. We took major tests three times a week, if you got under 70% on any three tests, you were out, come back when you're serious. They were, every day there were students missing for the first couple weeks.

After paramedic school in LA, I did my ride along training with the Spokane Fire Department. I worked out of Station 10 on North Division, assigned to Squad 10 a paramedic rescue truck.

About 30 minutes into my first day we got a call. The dispatch tones rang out, Engine 10, Squad 10, man down North Bowl, 125 West Sinto.

As we signed in route dispatch advised the man down had a history of asthma. We were only about 4 minutes away, it was a straight shot down Division, hang a right and we were there.

I carried in more equipment as the other medic's did a patient assessment. The patients 14 year old son was standing there not understanding what was going on. The patient lungs were really tight, and he went into respiratory arrest, as one of the fire medic's started an IV for medications, the other tried to intubated the patient placing an ET tube to secure an airway.

He placed the ET tube then checked for chest rise and auscultated the stomach then the lungs for bilateral breath sounds, saying he heard them. As soon as the monitor was hooked up, he went into cardiac arrest.

I started CPR as the ambulance arrived and we got him packaged for transport. We loaded him in the ambulance and I continued to do CPR as we took off running code to Sacred Heart Hospital with one of the fire paramedics on board.

I did CPR on the way to the hospital, as the other paramedics monitored vital signs, and pushed medications. When we got to the ER he was still in cardiac arrest, so he was moved to the code room.

The first things they do in the ER is draw arterial blood for blood gases, and take an x-ray to check placement of the ET tube. That's when they called the code. There was no point in going on, his blood gases were way off because when he was intubated the ET tube was placed in the esophagus rather than the trachea.

We had pumped oxygen into his stomach all the way to the hospital, rather than into his lungs. It was something I swore I would never do.

During my training at USC Medical Center I trained with physician's and PA's learning medicine and putting hands on patients for the first time too.

The most important lesson I learned was that emergency medicine is learning from your mistakes, and never doing them again, because that lesson may have cost a life.

Another paramedic made a serious mistake when I was working as an EMT for Mercy Ambulance. We got a call that a retired fire captain had injured his back mowing the lawn. The worst thing you can do as a paramedic, is assume anything on a call.

In Spokane back then when you called for EMS you got the closest engine company, a paramedic squad, and private ambulance to transport. When we arrived in the ambulance the engine company was getting ready to leave, and the fire paramedic's told us he pulled a muscle mowing the lawn. They told us he was all ours, and followed the engine company down the road.

The paramedic I was working with, Mark Romero was a sharp paramedic. The fire captain told us he was mowing the lawn when he got a tearing pain in his low and mid back. This didn't sound right, so Mark took his blood pressure in both arms.

It wasn't good, there was quite a difference between the BP in his arms. Mark said we needed to get MAST pants on him, and get two large bore IV's going ASAP. He said we needed to get him to the ER now, I think he has a dissecting aortic aneurysm.

The fire medic's were shocked when they heard us advise dispatch we were code 3 to Sacred Heart Hospital with MAST pants in place, and two large bore IV's. That we wanted surgeons standing by to rule out a dissecting aortic aneurysm. He was in surgery within 15 minutes of hitting the ER doors, he lived.

EMT's and paramedics are not doctors, far from it, so after every call paramedics need to review, discuss, argue about, and then adapt to make the next call better.

This is important to me because:
As a firefighter, police officer and paramedic I saw the limitations of government in day to day problems, and especially when major events happen. We cannot depend on outside resources if we have a major event like an earthquake, flash flood or the 6000 acre fire burning in Mohave Valley.

Where would we be, how fast could a small fire get away with our limited resources.

I've seen good EMS systems and bad EMS systems. I know we can have a good EMS system in the Dolan Springs, Meadview, and surrounding area. But we need to think out of the box.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

LMRFD Volunteer has a record for Driving while suspended and Sexual Conduct with a Minor??

 The way I understand it the fire board works for the taxpayers and the fire chief works for the fire board. It appears one board member works for the fire chief not the taxpayers. I'm a little tired of a member of the LMRFD board taking the word of the fire chief rather than actually doing an investigation when a taxpayer makes a complaint. 

When I posted the video of the LMRFD ambulance going 95mph I reported it to a board member. Rather than actually doing an investigation she took the word of the chief that the ambulance was governed at 82mph. She could have taken a ride in the ambulance or a ride in my car and compared my speedometer to a radar unit to learn the truth.

When I asked if background checks were done on volunteers and told her a volunteer had a bad driving record and a criminal history of sexual conduct with a minor. She asked the chief who said "he did a background check and nothing was found" Then when I provided the Arizona court records showing the  bad driving record and a criminal history of sexual conduct with a minor, the chief said it was dismissed. If it was dismissed the official court record would not show he pled guilty. 

I have a perfect driving record, I don't do drugs, yet she posted I was not telling the truth and was uninsurable to drive district vehicles. But the chief allows a volunteer with a history of driving with a suspended drivers license and a criminal history of sexual conduct with a minor is allowed to be a volunteer and drive district vehicles. I have more fire and EMS training than any volunteer but I can't volunteer because the chief doesn't like me, he does like the guy below. The board needs proof background checks and drug tests were done on all volunteers as stated in the LMRFD SOP...

I really don't care about volunteering for this chief just want the truth out there...

 Below is from the AZ Public Court Records page for John Lilly look it up yourself




Disp. Date











Disp. Date










Disp. Date















Disp. Date











Disp. Date






 Sexual Conduct with a Minor in Arizona: ARS 13-1405  Abe 14 to 17 is commonly referred to as “statutory rape”

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

There's a Mystery Here.. The average house fire burns around 1100 F for cremation to take place bones need to burn at 1400 to 1800 F for a several hours

 There's something very wrong about the recent fatal trailer fire in Dolan Springs on October 9th...

The average house fire burns around 1100 F, for cremation to take place the bones need to burn at 1400 to 1800 F for a several hours to turn them to ash. So how was the body almost completely destroyed,  burned so badly they can't use dental records or even DNA to identify the body?

So what's going on? How was the body almost completely destroyed? The family was told only the skull and some bone fragments survived the fire. 

From the radio traffic recorded by it took around 30 minutes for firefighters to arrive on scene. 

So what happened? Was it arson? Was an accelerant used? What about the time line of minutes not hours? 

More to come as the investigation continues....

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

REPOST A Fire Districts primary obligation is to the residents who support the fire district through property taxes.

 A Fire Districts primary obligation is to the residents who support the fire district through property taxes. 

The Lake Mohave Ranchos Fire District, LMRFD only covers 144 square miles in the communities of Dolan Springs and Meadview, but not the parcels between the two communities.

In the past when the LMRFD had 6 ambulances and lots of volunteers the LMRFD ambulance CON was tasked to cover 2200 square miles. That's 2056 square miles larger than the 144 sm fire district. That's larger than all other fire district ambulances in the county, and even runs into parts of Coconino County.


The red line on the map below is the 2200 square mile area the LMRFD ambulance is required to cover. The blue squares are all the fire districts in Mohave County. The big blue square and the smaller one inside the red line are the areas covered by the Lake Mohave Ranchos Fire District Ambulance

As you can see the area covered by the LMRFD's one ambulance is larger than the area covered by all other fire district ambulances combined, it even runs up into Coconino County.

At one time the LMRFD had 6 ambulances, several quick response rigs and lots of volunteers. The economy and some bad choices left the LMRFD with two EMT firefighters and a few volunteers and one ambulance capable of transporting patients. 

No other fire chief with such limited resources would ever send his only ambulance outside their fire district if it left their district with nothing. Residents in White Hills and West of US-93 get the same fire and EMS service, yet never pay a dime unless they have a fire or medical emergency. 

With Meadview such a checkerboard of parcels inside and outside of the fire district, I wonder how many times someone really checks if a parcel was in or out of the district after a fire to even send a bill for services.

Who would voluntarily choose to pay hundreds to thousands of dollars in property tax when they get the same services for free now? 

What Can We Do??

Stop responding to fires outside the fire district. Advise residents in White Hills and West of US-93 they are not in the LMRFD. We need to offer a subscription service charging $60 to $100 a year. If you're not on the paid list, they don't respond. This would generate revenue to hire and train additional EMS personnel. 

Like other fire districts reduce the ambulance CON to the area covered by the fire district. If people in the 2056 square miles outside the fire district want EMS service, pay a subscription service, start a fire district or start your own ambulance service. 

We can’t abandon the taxpayers in the LMRFD to respond to areas that have been repeatedly told they have no service and have rebuffed attempts to provide their own fire or EMS service. 

Our first duty is to our citizens. We have no contractual liability to respond to fires outside the fire district. White Hills and west of US93 are not in a fire district, we can't have a mutual aid agreement because they have no aid to offer. 

One of these days someone important will die because our only ambulance was miles outside the fire district, only then will things change.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Two Die in Fatal Home Fire October 9th in Dolan Springs 30 Minutes for Fire to Respond So Why Can't More People Volunteer?

Correction only one person died in the fire... On October 9th two people died in a trailer fire on Jasper and 10th in Dolan Springs. You can literally see the fire station from the home, yet it took around 30 minutes for a lone volunteer firefighter to arrive on scene. The two firefighters we pay to be at the fire station were out on an ambulance run in Kingman and took a long time to respond.

Chances are without a smoke alarm these people couldn't have been saved. But the family is devastated by the deaths, but even more so because the bodies were burned beyond recognition and dental records were required to identify their loved ones.  

Every time the two firefighters we pay to be at the fire station and protect the fire district, they can be providing services for someone who pays no property tax to support the fire district. 

The arrows point to the area covered by the fire district 144 square miles, the red line is the area covered by the LMRFD ambulance 2200 square miles. The other blue area are all the fire districts in Mohave County. Our one ambulance covers more area than all the other ambulances in the county over 2000 square miles outside the fire district. 

I don't agree with the chief on many things, like letting Emergency Medical Responders assist by driving the ambulance. But a couple weeks ago I asked the chief to let me volunteer again. He fired me as a volunteer several years ago because I supported Mike Pettway for chief rather than him, but free speech is allowed last I checked. His personality conflicts with volunteers is a problem. To not allow someone to volunteer because he just doesn't like them is wrong and is not in the fire districts best interest

As you can see below, I have many hours of EMS and firefighting training. I'm too old to put on turnouts and rush into structure fires, but I can drive the brush truck and a tender to haul water. 

So when your home is burning or you need an ambulance and it takes too long for anyone to arrive, please ask the chief why people are not allowed to volunteer, ask why a volunteer EMR and a paid EMT can't provide a second ambulance. 

PLEASE my post on A Fire Districts primary obligation is to the residents who support the fire district through property taxes. 

Yes chief I do have the same paramedic training you do, and I know I not a certified any longer so you don't need to remind me every time it comes up. 

My Training by Northern Arizona Consolidated Fire District 2018

Emergency Medical Responders 80 hours

EVOC Emergency Vehicle Operation 6 hours  

First Responder Orientation 16 hours

Emergency Communications NACFD Radio System Dispatch  

NACFD Safety Orientation 2 hours

Incident Rehab 2hours

 Water Tender Operations 2 hours 

Type 6 Engine Operations 6 hours  

Exterior Structural Firefighting 7 hours 

Hazmat First Responder Operations 16 hours  

Hazmat First Responder Operations-Decon 8 hours 

Fire Emergency Support Responder Training Phase I 22 hours 

L-180 Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service 1 hour  

IS-100 Introduction to the Incident Command System 3 hours  

NWCGS-110 Basic Wildland Fire Orientation 2 hours 

S-130 Wildland Firefighter Training (Classroom) 

IS-130 Wildland Firefighter Field Exercise 8 hours 

RT-130 Refresher Wildland Firefighter Annual Classroom 16 hours 

IS-131 Type 1 Firefighter 16 hours 

S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior 4 hours 

IS-200b Emergency Management Institute   

IS-200d Fundamentals of Emergency Management

NWCG S-110 Basic Wildland Orientation

NIMS 700 National Incident Management System 3 hours

EMS Training

Mobile Intensive Care Unit Paramedic Training Daniel Freeman Paramedic School 960-hour paramedic training program including training at USC Medical Center’s C-Booth, the birthplace of emergency medicine, so different than today This was c-booth when I trained at USC Medical Center Code Black the old days in Los Angeles County - special cut

 2016 CPR Adult, Pediatric, First Aid, AED Training

 2002 Arizona Crisis Response Crisis Team Training by Arizona State

 2003 40 Hour Crisis Intervention Basic Training Bullhead City Crisis Intervention Team

2003 Defensive Driver Training Course Bullhead City Police Department

 2018 American Heart Association Basic Life Support (CPR and AED) KRMC 

2018 Nationally Certified Emergency Medical Responder 80 hours Northern Arizona Consolidated Fire District

 2019 TIM Traffic Incident Management Arizona ADOT

2020 Train the Trainer Narcan Training to train EMTs and Law Enforcement on the use of Narcan

Industrial First aid with CPR 16-hour course taught by the American Red Cross, Spokane Washington

 Standard First Aid 8-hour course taught by the American Red Cross, Spokane Washington

 First Responder Montana 40-hour course taught by the Park County Sheriff Department, Livingston Montana

 CPR Instructor Spokane Washington American Red Cross CPR

 Basic Life Support for the Professional Rescuer

10-hour course taught by the Park County Sheriff Department at Livingston Montana

Advanced Cardiac Life Support 16-hour course taught by Daniel Freeman Paramedic School, Inglewood California 

Washington State Emergency Medical Technician 80-hour Basic EMT Training, Spokane Washington

 Rural Emergency Stabilization of Critical Patients 8-hour course taught by Sacred Heart Hospital, Spokane Washington 

American Red Cross Damage Assessment Assessing damage to buildings and structures, the number of people needing help

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Emergency Medical Services has Grown So Why Not Use Volunteer Layperson

Emergency medicine has grown since the 70's. 

So have the lifesaving medications EMT's and paramedics can give in the field, so have the lifesaving medications a layperson can give.

EMS has grown over the years, in the past life-saving medications for true medical emergencies like anaphylactic shock, sudden cardiac or an opioid overdose could only be administered by physicians. 
Then came paramedic programs where trained  who could give these lifesaving medications by paramedics. But we learned that in these true medical emergencies where minutes really mean the difference between life and death, even the 8-minute average EMS response is too slow. 
Today in many states including Arizona a layperson with can give Epinephrin for the allergic reactions of anaphylactic shock. This is a true medical emergency where 8 minutes can be too long, let alone 30 minutes to an hour.  
Today in Arizona anyone can give Narcan for an opioid overdose, and with a couple of hours of training an EMT or law enforcement officer can give Naloxone (Narcan) for an opioid overdose. This is a true medical emergency where time matters, and a volunteer can save a life.

Today in Arizona a layperson with a couple of hours of training can do CPR and use an AED (automatic defibrillator) in a sudden cardiac arrest. FACT Anything over 8-10 minutes and you're dead...

In these cases, 4 or 5 minutes can be too long, let alone 1-2 hours. 
Since EMT's and EMR's use BLS and don't do invasive procedures in the field, they obviously have less liability, not more. Sometimes the best patient care is simply rapid transport to definitive care.

In Arizona the law 36-2226 allows a layperson to give epinephrine in case of an allergic reaction known as anaphylactic shock. If you want to learn more about anaphylactic shock check out First Aid for Free's Anaphylactic Awareness page

Narcan also known as Naloxone can also be given by a layperson.
Under A.R.S. § 36-2267, any person may administer an opioid antagonist, like naloxone, to a person who is experiencing an opioid-related overdose. The statute further states, "A person who does this in good faith and without compensation is not liable for any civil or other damages as the result of the act.” 

For more information on the Arizona laws on obtaining or administering Narcan click HERE

Here's more information on How to Recognize an Opioid Overdose

Under ARS 36-2229 the Community Center in Dolan Springs and the Meadview Civic Association could have a couple people trained on how to give breathing treatments in case of respiratory distress.

Everybody needs to know First Aid and CPR... Who ya gonna call?
Learn for FREE at First Aid for Free 

Arizona EMS Laws
Emergency Administration of Epinephrine by good Samaritans 
36-2226 Emergency administration of epinephrine by good Samaritans; exemption from civil liability
A. Notwithstanding any other law, a person may administer epinephrine to another person who is suffering from a severe allergic reaction if the person acts in good faith and without compensation for the act of administering the epinephrine and a health professional who is qualified to administer epinephrine is not immediately available.

B. A person who administers epinephrine pursuant to subsection A is not subject to civil liability for any injury that results from that act unless the person acts with gross negligence, wilful misconduct or intentional wrongdoing.

36-2226.01 Emergency administration of epinephrine authorized entities prescriptions training immunity definitions
Physicians can prescribe epinephrine auto-injectors to an "authorized entity" That’s a school, restaurant, community center, camp, or place of employment where allergens capable of causing anaphylaxis may be present.

Emergency administration of inhalers
36-2229Emergency administration of inhalers; authorized entities; training; immunity; definitions
A. A physician who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 13 or 17 or a nurse practitioner who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 15 may prescribe inhalers and spacers or holding chambers in the name of an authorized entity for use in accordance with this section, and pharmacists may dispense inhalers and spacers or holding chambers pursuant to a prescription issued in the name of an authorized entity. A prescription issued pursuant to this section is valid for two years.
B. An authorized entity may acquire and stock a supply of inhalers and spacers or holding chambers pursuant to a prescription issued in accordance with this section. The inhalers shall be stored in a location that is readily accessible in an emergency and in accordance with the inhaler's instructions for use. An authorized entity shall designate employees or agents who have completed the training required by subsection D of this section to be responsible for the storage, maintenance, control and general oversight of the inhalers and spacers or holding chambers acquired by the authorized entity.
C. If an employee or agent of an authorized entity or another individual who has completed the training required by subsection D of this section believes in good faith that an individual is experiencing respiratory distress, the employee, agent or other individual may provide and administer an inhaler to that individual or may provide an inhaler to the parent, guardian or caregiver of that individual, for immediate administration, regardless of whether the individual who is believed to be experiencing respiratory distress has a prescription for an inhaler and spacer or holding chamber or has previously been diagnosed with a condition requiring an inhaler.
D. An employee, agent or other individual described in subsection B or C of this section shall complete initial training for the use of inhalers and, at least every two years thereafter, shall complete subsequent training. The training shall be conducted by a nationally recognized organization that is experienced in training laypersons in emergency health treatment. Training may be conducted online or in person and, at a minimum, shall cover:
1. How to recognize signs and symptoms of respiratory distress.
2. Standards and procedures for the storage and administration of an inhaler.
3. Emergency follow-up procedures after the administration of an inhaler.
E. The organization that conducts the training required by subsection D of this section shall issue a certificate to each person who successfully completes the training.
F. The administration of an inhaler pursuant to this section is not the practice of medicine or any other profession that otherwise requires licensure.
G. Physicians licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 13 or 17 and nurse practitioners licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 15 who prescribe an inhaler and spacer or holding chamber in the name of an authorized entity, authorized entities and employees and agents of authorized entities that provide or administer inhalers and organizations that provide training pursuant to subsection D of this section are immune from civil liability with respect to all decisions made and actions or omissions taken that are based on good faith implementation of the requirements of this section, except in cases of gross negligence, wilful misconduct or intentional wrongdoing.
H. The immunity from civil liability provided in subsection G of this section does not affect a manufacturer's product liability regarding the design, manufacturing or instructions for use of an inhaler and spacer or holding chamber.
I. An authorized entity may accept monetary donations to purchase inhalers and spacers or holding chambers and may accept donations of inhalers and spacers or holding chambers directly from the product manufacturer.
J. For the purposes of this section:
1. "Authorized entity" means any entity or organization in connection with or at which allergens capable of causing respiratory distress symptoms may be present, including recreation camps, day care facilities, youth sports leagues, amusement parks, restaurants and sports arenas.
2. "Bronchodilator" means albuterol or another short-acting bronchodilator that is approved by the United States food and drug administration for the treatment of respiratory distress.
3. "Inhaler" means a device that delivers a bronchodilator to alleviate symptoms of respiratory distress, that is manufactured in the form of a metered-dose inhaler or dry-powder inhaler and that includes a spacer or holding chamber that attaches to the inhaler to improve the delivery of the bronchodilator.
4. "Respiratory distress" includes the perceived or actual presence of coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Combined Special Meeting for EMS Scope of Practice and Drug Tables Medical Direction Commission & Protocols, Medications and Devices Committee

May 1st there will be a meeting to update the  Scope of Practice for EMR's Emergency Medical Responders. an EMR costs $250 to train and can assist and drive the LMRFD ambulance. This would allow the Meadview ambulance to transport with an EMT/paramedic and a Volunteer EMR giving us a second ambulance. 

Information on the meeting and a link where you can give your opinion about using an EMR in Dolan Springs and Meadview.

PLEASE if you think Meadview needs an ambulance that can transport, NOW is the time to tell the EMS Bureau 

Combined Special Meeting for EMS Scope of Practice and Drug Tables Medical Direction Commission & Protocols, Medications and Devices Committee 

 Public Meeting Wednesday, May 1, 2024

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. PMD & MDC Special Meeting for EMS Scope of Practice and Drug Tables - Agenda

Date: May 1, 2024 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Doors open at 9:30 a.m.) In Person: 150 N. 18th Ave, 4th Floor ALS Training Room, Phoenix, AZ 85007 Online: (Chrome browser)

LINK to Meeting EMS Bureau Agenda with Link to Online Meeting

The law is pretty clear, EMR’s Emergency Medical Responders can drive the LMRFD ambulance and assist an EMT or paramedic as long as their primary responsibility is driving the ambulance.

I’m told over and over that we can’t use EMR’s on the ambulance that we have to have a paramedic and an EMT on the ambulance. Not True


Using volunteer EMR’s we could double our transport capability by reducing response times and improving patient care. 


ARS 36-2201 says "Ambulance Attendant" means any of the following:

A - An EMT, an advanced EMT, an EMT I-99 or a paramedic whose primary responsibility is the care of patients in an ambulance and who meets the standards and criteria adopted pursuant to section 36-2204.


B - An EMR emergency medical responder who is employed by an ambulance service operating under section 36-2202 and whose primary responsibility is the driving of an ambulance.



ARS 36-2202 - Duties of the director; qualifications of medical director

J. paragraph 5 of this section shall require that ambulance services serving a rural or wilderness certificate of necessity area with a population of less than ten thousand persons according to the most recent United States decennial census have at least one ambulance attendant as defined in section 36-2201, paragraph 6, subdivision A and one ambulance attendant as defined in section 36-2201, paragraph 6, subdivision B


36-2201 Definitions

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

5. "Ambulance" means any publicly or privately owned surface, water or air vehicle, including a helicopter, that contains a stretcher and necessary medical equipment and supplies pursuant to section 36-2202 and that is especially designed and constructed or modified and equipped to be used, maintained or operated primarily for the transportation of individuals who are sick, injured or wounded or who require medical monitoring or aid. Ambulance does not include a surface vehicle that is owned and operated by a private sole proprietor, partnership, private corporation or municipal corporation for the emergency transportation and in-transit care of its employees or a vehicle that is operated to accommodate an incapacitated person or person with a disability who does not require medical monitoring, care or treatment during transport and that is not advertised as having medical equipment and supplies or ambulance attendants.

6. "Ambulance attendant" means any of the following:

(a) An emergency medical technician, an advanced emergency medical technician, an emergency medical technician I-99 or a paramedic whose primary responsibility is the care of patients in an ambulance and who meets the standards and criteria adopted pursuant to section 36-2204.

(b) An emergency medical responder who is employed by an ambulance service operating under section 36-2202 and whose primary responsibility is the driving of an ambulance.

8. "Basic life support" means the level of assessment and care identified in the scope of practice approved by the director for the emergency medical responder and emergency medical technician.

13. "Department" means the department of health services.

14. "Director" means the director of the department of health services.

15. "Emergency medical care technician" means an individual who has been certified by the department as an emergency medical technician, an advanced emergency medical technician, an emergency medical technician I-99 or a paramedic.

16. "Emergency medical responder" as an ambulance attendant means a person who has been trained in an emergency medical responder program certified by the director or in an equivalent training program and who is certified by the director to render services pursuant to section 36-2205.


17. "Emergency medical responder" as an ambulance attendant means a person who has been trained in an emergency medical responder  program certified by the director or in an equivalent training program and who is certified by the director to render services pursuant to section 36-2205.

18. "Emergency medical services provider" means any governmental entity, quasi-governmental entity or corporation whether public or private that renders emergency medical services in this state.

23. "National certification organization" means a national organization that tests and certifies the ability of an emergency medical care technician and whose tests are based on national education standards.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Fire Districts primary obligation is to the residents who support the fire district through property taxes.

 A Fire Districts primary obligation is to the residents who support the fire district through property taxes. 

The Lake Mohave Ranchos Fire District, LMRFD only covers 144 square miles in the communities of Dolan Springs and Meadview, but not the parcels between the two communities.

In the past when the LMRFD had 6 ambulances and lots of volunteers the LMRFD ambulance CON was tasked to cover 2200 square miles. That's 2056 square miles larger than the 144 sm fire district. That's larger than all other fire district ambulances in the county, and even runs into parts of Coconino County.


The red line on the map below is the 2200 square mile area the LMRFD ambulance is required to cover. The blue squares are all the fire districts in Mohave County. The big blue square and the smaller one inside the red line are the areas covered by the Lake Mohave Ranchos Fire District Ambulance

As you can see the area covered by the LMRFD's one ambulance is larger than the area covered by all other fire district ambulances combined, it even runs up into Coconino County.

At one time the LMRFD had 6 ambulances, several quick response rigs and lots of volunteers. The economy and some bad choices left the LMRFD with two EMT firefighters and a few volunteers and one ambulance capable of transporting patients. 

No other fire chief with such limited resources would ever send his only ambulance outside their fire district if it left their district with nothing. Residents in White Hills and West of US-93 get the same fire and EMS service, yet never pay a dime unless they have a fire or medical emergency. 

With Meadview such a checkerboard of parcels inside and outside of the fire district, I wonder how many times someone really checks if a parcel was in or out of the district after a fire to even send a bill for services.

Who would voluntarily choose to pay hundreds to thousands of dollars in property tax when they get the same services for free now? 

What Can We Do??

Stop responding to fires outside the fire district. Advise residents in White Hills and West of US-93 they are not in the LMRFD. We need to offer a subscription service charging $60 to $100 a year. If you're not on the paid list, they don't respond. This would generate revenue to hire and train additional EMS personnel. 

Like other fire districts reduce the ambulance CON to the area covered by the fire district. If people in the 2056 square miles outside the fire district want EMS service, pay a subscription service, start a fire district or start your own ambulance service. 

We can’t abandon the taxpayers in the LMRFD to respond to areas that have been repeatedly told they have no service and have rebuffed attempts to provide their own fire or EMS service. 

Our first duty is to our citizens. We have no contractual liability to respond to fires outside the fire district. White Hills and west of US93 are not in a fire district, we can't have a mutual aid agreement because they have no aid to offer. 

One of these days someone important will die because our only ambulance was miles outside the fire district, only then will things change.