Monday, July 16, 2018

NACFD1 Petition Signing

NACFD1 Petition Signing

For those interested in helping your local fire district, the Friends of the Northern Arizona Consolidated FD #1 will be circulating petitions for the following:

  • Recall of current directors Mike Collins and Jim Bailey
  • Election of former Valle Vista FD Battalion Chief Gerald Lucero as Director in the November election
  • Election of former NACFD1 Director Sue Wilkin in the November election

If you are concerned about the continuing diminished services in Valle Vista, Truxton, Valentine, Chloride and along Stockton Hill Road North of Kingman, please consider signing our petitions.

We will be at the following locations:

  • 7/16/18 600 PM Valle Vista Propery Owners Association Monthly Meeting (Before and after meeting at clubhouse)
  • 7/25/18 400 - 700 PM 2143 Northern Ave. Kingman, AZ (Next to the old smoke shop)
You will be able to ask questions and obtain the facts on the recall and the upcoming election.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

LMRFD Drug Policy and Volunteers.. Need Your Opinion

I've brought the problem with the LMRFD application and the districts drug policy before. Now I need your opinions..

This is what the LMRFD Drug Policy says......

The policy says "The District prohibits the use, sale, transfer, being under the influence and/or reporting to work after using illicit drugs"

As I read the part that says "Under District policy, alcohol is included within the meaning and prohibition of drugs".

I understand this to say it includes alcohol the same as illicit drugs and employees can't use, sell, transfer, or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol off duty or on duty.

If alcohol is included within the meaning and prohibition of drugs, can employees drink alcohol off duty? 

I you read this the way I do then employees or volunteers can't even have a beer on the 4th of July. 

So why would anyone volunteer, and why are current employees allowed to disregard the drug policy?

How hard is it to change the wording to be more understandable. 

Please it's obvious you just copied the NACFD application but at least take out the wording that says you're applying for Northern Arizona Consolidated Fire District and not Lake Mohave Ranchos Fire District

LMRFD Application July 1st 2018