Friday, October 9, 2015

Two EMT'S Can't Manage A Heart Attack and Do CPR

To manage a heart attack, or run a code while doing CPR you need at least 4 people. One to drive, one to watch the monitor, and two to do CPR.

The only way for two EMT's to run a code, is using a machine called a thumper, or mechanical CPR device.

At the Town Hall meeting I asked if the LMRFD had a thumper or mechanical CPR device. We were told they don't have a thumper. We were also told the thumper was old technology.

It's not only NOT old technology, according to the Journal of Emergency Medicine, mechanical CPR devices provide far better CPR than manual CPR.

Mechanical CPR Article

Mechanical CPR delivers more effective CPR because it doesn't get tired, and always delivers the correct rate, depth, and placement.

This is something LMRFD needs. I doubt anyone who left Dolan Springs or Meadview with CPR in progress ever left the hospital. In Seattle 57% of sudden cardiac arrest patient survive, the national average is 8-10%.

We need to teach everyone CPR.

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