Thursday, December 10, 2015

Some Confusion About CERT Training -- Don't Forget the CERT Training in January

There Seems to Be Some Confusion About CERT Training

CERT Training is for the average citizen who wants to learn emergency preparedness and basic emergency response skills. There’s some confusion about the need to join a CERT Team to take the training, or be part of a CERT team after the training.

The CERT web page says, "Completing CERT’s Basic Training Course prepares the public to safely assist family, friends, neighbors, co-workers or fellow students before professional first responders arrive, whether or not the trainee joins a CERT team".

This CERT TRAINING page explains that when disasters occur, professional first responders are not the first on the scene. It’s going to be friends and neighbors who are the first responders.
If roads are impassable or the local agency’s manpower is overloaded, it may be hours — or days — before professional help arrives. In this environment, nonprofessional members of the public spontaneously reach out to help those affected. 

When we had the church fires, a lot of good people jumped in to help that night. Thankfully all went well and no one was injured. But if we're going to jump in and help when a disaster hits our small community, then let's get some basic training. 

That way we are part of the plan, and assist local emergency services, rather than have someone get injured, and require valuable EMS resources needed elsewhere.

Taking CERT Training will help give Dolan Springs the preparedness skills we need so individuals and neighborhoods can reduce their dependence on emergency services and manage on existing resources until professional assistance becomes available. 

CERT’s Basic Training Course provides a baseline of emergency preparedness and educates the public in basic emergency response skills. This is something everyone who lives in the country needs to learn.

If you’re interested in taking the CERT Basic Training Course, you may want to look over an Introduction to Citizens Response Teams  IS-317, is an independent study course that serves as an introduction to CERT for those interested in completing the basic CERT training or as a refresher for current team members.

The course includes six modules: CERT Basics, Fire Safety, Hazardous Material and Terrorist Incidents, Disaster Medical Operations, and Search and Rescue, and Course Summary.

Hopefully in May when a new fire board is elected, they will choose to provide the necessary insurance for a CERT Team. We can provide additional training for people who completed the CERT training to tailor the team to what the community needs are.

To sign up for the CERT Training contact Mike Browning Assistant Coordinator for Mohave County Emergency Management at 928) 757-0930 or email him at

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