Friday, May 20, 2016

LMRFD WOW Call -- They Were on Another Call Wasn't The Point

You stopped reading at the first statement... They didn't Respond.

If the LMRFD was on another call that day, that's NOT the problem. The LMRFD ambulance in Dolan isn't available between 3 and 6 or more hours a day because they're out on calls. So not being available to respond because they're on other calls is pretty normal, and not the issue here.

Not having the LMRFD ambulance from Meadview, or AMR River Medical respond when someone is down from unknown medical problem, in not normal. In fact River Medical was so concerned about how this call was being handled, they called the sheriff dispatch and asked if they wanted River Medical to respond.

It's a rare event when another EMS agency is so concerned about how a call is being handled, they offer assistance to the sheriff, not the responding EMS agency.

What's not normal is to pronounced someone dead over the phone or radio. If someone from the LMRFD had already checked on the patient, that's one thing.

An EMT or paramedic making any diagnosis over the phone is wrong, let alone saying is dead.

Why didn't the LMRFD ambulance from Meadview respond, they weren't available? Why didn't the LMRFD ask AMR River Medical respond like they do on every other call when they're not available?

What if this was your husband or wife?

Government agencies have a history of not identifying problems until someone points them out.

Man down unknown medical call

1. EMS agency Respond
2. Have 2nd unit respond from EMS agency
3. have another EMS agency respond.

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