Monday, April 22, 2019

What WE the People of the LMRFD Need in a New Fire Chief

The LMRFD is going to get a new fire chief and we need to make it clear what we need in a new chief. We need someone who is proactive rather than reactive to problems inside the LMRFD. 

We need a chief who will do one of two things... 
Train local volunteers as Emergency Medical Responders so they can drive and assist on the ambulance, run the ambulance as a business, and train anyone even us older guys as external firefighters so we can assist firefighters.
Reduce the area covered by the LMRFD ambulance from the current 2200 square miles to the 144 square mile Lake Mohave Ranchos Fire District.

The tax payers of the 144 square mile fire district CAN NOT continue to support fire and EMS services in an additional 2056 square miles for free..

I get tired of people who live outside the fire district, yet get the same services as those of us who pay hundreds a year in property tax telling us how we should run the fire district.

At one time the Lake Mohave Ranchos Fire District had six Advanced life Support ambulances and lots of volunteers to cover the 2200 square miles required by the ambulance's Certificate of Need, not anymore...

Today the LMRFD has just ONE AMBULANCE and the two firefighters, three on a good day. These 2-3 firefighters are responsible for fire protection in the 144 square mile fire district, and the 2200 square miles the ambulance covers. This leaves the taxpayers of the fire district unprotected much of the time.

The people who live outside the LMRFD need to join the fire district or start a fire district and ambulance service of their own.

Call ANY fire chief and ask him to send his only firefighters to no mans land 40 miles outside their fire district to put out your house that's on fire... Let me know what they say....

We need to fix this people need to pay their fair share. 


  1. We need to get 6 full time fire fighters stationed Midway between the three communities, two volunteers in each community with dedicated radios so they won't avoid the call, two EMT's in Dolan and tow in Meadview. Then there needs to have fire hydrants put in- in Meadview- up to Family Dollar. In Dollan Springs up to My Tipton and Chevron.

  2. We can't afford 3 full time firefighters.. We need volunteers. We need water tenders that the driver can control a large monitor (water gun) on top so even an old guy like me can sit in the truck and put water on a fire until help arrives. We need to train everyone in first aid and CPR...

    1. If we walk around with that attitude, no we can't afford full time firefighters. We need a different attitude. One that says we will find the money. We will have the much needed fighters.
