Sunday, November 15, 2015

Reply to Vince Salmu and His Secret Email List

Reply to Vince Salmu


You're a bully, you try and force people to your will. I try to educate people. You are the most unprofessional so called businessman I've ever seen, even belittling your employees in front of customers.

You resort to name calling like a small child, and should not represent anyone.

This is the last time I will reply to your rants because of you're unprofessional conduct and name calling

NOTE: The Black and Blue text below is from Vince. 
The Red text is my reply.

From: Vince Salmu <>
Date: November 15, 2015 at 4:10:11 AM MST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Fwd: Fleming

What gives this moron the right to speak for the community?  He has a big mouth with foolish stupid ideas, I do not want him representing me at all.

Name calling, really professional.

Why would anyone with mention their location to other country's? These are actions of a person who is concerned about fame, self status and just a brain dead zombie on a mission of no good. He has had little to stir up since the fire Dept issue is coming to an end soon.

More name calling.... I thought the point was to get visitors from other countries, they're called tourists.

I believe he should put is his own address on there also, It would be best if they tried the gas can idea there first,better then our homes. What better place to start then from where the foolish information started. Maybe his Russians friends can get the word out.

Learn to read... I didn't say someone tried anything, now did I? A gas can was on the side of the road and no one noticed. For you to even suggest that someone burn down our home after the church fires is reckless and irresponsible. 

He has only lived here now for about 2 years,he claims to have all this training. Why would a highly trained, educated ,terrorists expert move to a place that sat in the middle of three as he claims potential targets? why? why? It is very obvious that the training did not stick in his head. He should have chose  to live in a place far away from potential targets, I think the smart guy would have done that. he has some very deep issues as his actions are not on the norm of what most would do.He is the one we should keep an eye on.

Let's sit down and compare training, anytime. WOW
Why with a sucessful business in Las Vegas move to Dolan Springs? So he can charge local low income people $1 a gallon more for gas?

This Jay is one of the people who wants to run our fire Department services, I believe he is in the group that is attempting to put a plan together to run the department as stand alone. Why would you people who are in the group or the rest of us want this moron doing any more damage?  I think they have picked the wrong guy to support them. We as a community need to have this observed and his actions detailed and documented. He is a radical who can do no good for the future of our community. I will not support the group he he is involved in, Maybe they also should be looked at.He could be speaking or them also as he has attempted to speak for us in his blogs.

More name calling... you're not the professional I want to represent me? Vince pay attention, consolidation failed, it is a stand alone fire district. You are all about money and could care less how many people die due to poor EMS services. What if you have a heart attack VInce? The current manpower couldn't load you in the ambulance, let alone do CPR. 

I am attaching a screenshot of Fleming's latest blog post, along with some responses.  It appears that now that he has succeeded in derailing the consolidation and run off our Fire Fighters and EMS personnel with his blog, he is now exposing our location and weaknesses to the terrorists of the world...along with "how-to's" ! 

Yes Vince the terrorists didn't know where we had hidden Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, and the Grand Canyon, sorry. As far as how to, it seems by the looks of Paris they have that covered. We need to pray for the people of Paris.

He has misappropriated the LMRFD logo as well, giving him the appearance of having some authority to speak on our community's behalf.  I hope someone with the ability to talk sense into him will be able to do so before he causes us any more damage

 Are you the one who spoke to the firefighters causing two to quit? It was someone...


  1. "During my police academy training during bomb investigations, they put a gallon of gas with an electric blasting cap inside a two bedroom home. When the blasting cap was set off, there was fire out every window in that home. Imagine what five gallons of gas would do? Improvised Explosive Devices, IED's, are made from anything the terrorist can find, even a simple gas can."

    If the term “moron” doesn’t fit someone broadcasting this information around our community already proven to have residents a few bricks short of a full load, (re: 2 churches torched by a guy pissed off over a loaf of bread!!), then I do not know what does. “Professional” certainly does not come to mind.

    "Learn to read... I didn't say someone tried anything, now did I? A gas can was on the side of the road and no one noticed."

    I’m reading and this is pretty specific…enough to get a disgruntled citizen thinking and a potential arsonist excited. “they put a gallon of gas with an electric blasting cap inside a two bedroom home. When the blasting cap was set off, there was fire out every window in that home. Imagine what five gallons of gas would do?”

    "You are all about money and could care less how many people die due to poor EMS services."

    And you do care? You, who chase our fire truck and ambulance around, reporting erroneous and derogatory information on your website about the fire fighter/ EMS personnel to the point they are leaving us at their first opportunity? Nobody wants to work under that kind of maleficent scrutiny! Can you imagine going on a call, adrenaline pumping, not knowing what kind of situation you are going to encounter, but for sure, there will be Jay Fleming with camera in hand blasting to the world all errors, as perceived from his uninformed perspective. If he cannot find an error he will for sure twist something around to make one!

    "Are you the one who spoke to the firefighters causing two to quit? It was someone..."

    Don't try to lay the blame on anyone else! It’s you and the stupid people in your “f…us group”, Jay. It’s the last straw, after your ambulance and fire truck chasing activities and bashing the management and personnel. Members of your group harass the employees, and blab their stupid, uninformed, ignorant ideas of how to run a fire district. They are talking about cutting pay, cutting benefits, having 12 hour shifts, and a lot of other really inane b.s.

    "Reply to Vince Salmu


    You're a bully, you try and force people to your will. "

    Strange, Jay,“bully” is exactly the term some of us use for you, as you report lies and disinformation to get your way.

    1. Bullying may be defined as the activity of repeated, aggressive behavior intended to hurt another individual, physically, mentally or emotionally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person.

      It can be classified into four types:

      Physical (hitting, punching, or kicking)

      Verbal (name-calling or taunting)

      Relational (destroying peer acceptance and friendships)

      Cyber-bullying (using electronic means to harm others)

    2. 2 out of 3 Vince, not bad....
      Name-calling or taunting,trying to destroying peer acceptance and friendships, and Cyber-bullying, using electronic means to harm others.

    3. Question for Vince:

      How long have you lived in Dolan?

      What are your contributions to the community?

      FYI, charging $1.50 more for gasoline than Kingman is NOT a contribution to your community.
