Monday, May 27, 2019

Another Lost Call $2500 and Poor Patient Care - What Can We Do?

Another Lost Call $2500 and Poor Patient Care - What Can We Do?

Today there was an allergic reaction call in Meadview. That's anaphylactic shock a true medical emergency.

At 10:10AM Rescue 438 was paged, but because there were no firefighters at the Meadview station Rescue 415 said they were in route from Dolan.

At 10:12AM they called back realizing it was going to be 40 minutes or so before the ambulance arrived they decided to transport the patient by car.

Anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, is a systemic allergic reaction that can kill within minutes, either through swelling that shuts off airways or through a fatal drop in blood pressure.

This is why we must have a proactive fire EMS program. In Arizona laypeople can give life saving Epinephrine for anaphylactic shock, they can give naloxone for an opioid overdose, and if trained even give breathing treatments.

I'm tried of being told the LMRFD we can't do this, or we can't do that, why not research what we can do and do it?

We can't teach CPR because they might get a call. According to the LMRFD web page they run 2.5 calls a week, that should leave lots of time for training volunteers...

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are here,you are certainly an asset to this place,i for one appreciate your info,and applaude you for your accomplishments in life...I hope to get my family away from here,until then,i pray something will happen that will wake these people up,and pull them together for the good of the whole community,..hope floats they say....
