Friday, March 27, 2020

Fire Chief say's “We can’t abandon our community that is paying for our services” FD's first responsibility is to town

Fire Chief David Strayer from the community of Florence Arizona apparently understands his responsibility to taxpayers in his community better than Chief Bonnee.

Fire Chief David Straye says what I've been saying for years. “We can’t abandon our community that is paying for our services” to respond to areas that have been repeatedly told they have no service, and have actually rebuffed attempts to provide them fire coverage, Strayer said. “Our first duty is to our citizens.”  
Sound Familiar? Read the Article HERE

What Are We Doing?
When the LMRFD does respond outside the fire district it takes so long to get there the only thing left is the foundation. When no lives or other property are in danger, why respond? From the people I've talked to who live outside the fire district if they get a bill for putting out their smoldering foundation the'll tell them where to put it. What would you do?

Is this what the LMRFD does to families outside the fire district who just lost everything?
An Arizona couple recently left homeless when their mobile home burned to the ground couldn’t believe their eyes when they received a bill for nearly $20,000
READ the Article HERE

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