Thursday, October 7, 2021

Local GMRS EMCOM NET for Las Vegas Dolan Springs and White Hills

We need a few people in Dolan Springs and White Hills interested in providing emergency communications for our area. The Las Vegas GMRS Net was moved to the 462.625 repeater on Mt Potosi at around 8000'. Easy access from lower Dolan with a handheld radio.

This will improve coverage and allow people in Dolan Springs and White Hills to participate in the weekly GMRS net.

Last week 50 people checked into the GMRS net. That's a lot of people for a local net and the most check in's the control operator has ever had. This shows the amount of interest in emergency communications in our area. 

You would need to obtain a GMRS license from the FCC for $70, and check into the NET each week. Unlike a ham license the GMRS license covers your entire family. Handheld radios cost $35 up and mobile/base radios are around $100. How to get your GMRS License

I’m getting a location for a GMRS repeater and working on getting communications in our designated shelter so we can communicate during an emergency.

If you're interested in the ability to communicate with family and friends during an emergency, come join us Mondays at 7PM Nevada Time 462.675 with a tone of 141.3. 

If you don't have your GMRS license but have a scanner listen in to the net..

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