Saturday, May 30, 2020

Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health Problem at LMRFD Continues

I see volunteer's are responding to calls again, but with what training, and at what cost?

In his response to ADOSH on complaint# 1547941 former Chief Bonnee was untruthful in his response to the Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health.Former chief Bonnee told ADOSH 
"Our volunteers were not issued scba respirators at all our volunteers are strictly support when it comes to fires they change air bottles, pull hose and rehab our firefighters they have not been issued scba respirators of their own."

Most people know volunteers responded alone and with other volunteers on fires all last summer. Yet some local people continue to tell the bold faced lie that volunteers never responded to fires without paid firefighters. 

Radio dispatch recordings will easily prove who was responding to what calls, as well as all of pictures of volunteers out on fires. 

We should be able to look at the fire report required to be written on every fire call, but we can't because the volunteer's I'm aware of had never been trained on how to use the computer system so they could write reports on the fire they responded to. 

It appears that volunteers are still responding to fires in violation of ADOSH regulations. These violations can cost a lot of money when violated, but nothing close to the amount of the fines if a volunteer firefighter was injured or killed in violation of ADOSH regulations. 

I know we need volunteer's but if they're not trained properly or as you'll see below not even trained in the basics.

As far as I know the volunteers are not required to have even the basic FEMA courses required of all firefighters at all levels. 
Most can simply be taken online at FEMA's ICS training page for free. How can volunteer's respond if they're not even trained in the basic command system used at every call?

We need volunteers, but they must be trained properly. 

This is a list of the required training I received at NACFD as a volunteer..

Hours        Completed         Course
80                    X                                 Nationally Certified Emergency Medical Responder
8                      X                                 Standard First Aid/CPR/AED
4                      X                                 BLS Provider American Heart Association 
3                      X                                 Incident Command System I-100
3                      X                                 National Incident Management System N-700
16                    X                                 Hazardous Materials First Responder-Operations
8                      X                                 Hazardous Materials First Responder Operations Decon
6                      X                                 Hazardous Materials First Responder-Awareness
2                      X                                 S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Orientation  
16                    X                                 S-130 Firefighter Training (Classroom)
8                      X                                 S-130 Firefighter Training (Field/Practical)
1                      X                                 L-180 Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service
4                      X                                 S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior
8                      X                                 Type 6 Engine Operations
7                      X                                 Exterior Structural Firefighting
2                      X                                 District Orientation/SAFETY
Training at Station 31
2                      X                                 EVOC Emergency Vehicle Operation

Training at Station 35
2                      X                                 Incident Rehab 2 Water Tender Operations
2                      X                                 Emergency Communications
Training at Station 33
2                      X                                 Wildland Fire Orientation 11/18/17 

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