Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Local GMRS Emergency Communications Net

I'm turning my GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) repeater back on here in Dolan Springs. It a UHF repeater that covers from MP20 to MP52 on US93 and 15th or so to the mountains to the west.

I'm looking for a few people interested in a holding once a week emergency communications net, or EmComm net. 

Unlike ham radio that requires studying and taking a test. To get a GMRS license you fill out the application on the FCC web page, pay them $70 for the 10 year license, and within days you have your call sign. 

An EmComm Net is a gathering of people with a common interest in emergency communications who meet on the air to check the condition of their equipment and availability of stations in an emergency.

The MyGMRS web page has listings of available repeaters by state and more info on GMRS


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