Monday, August 17, 2015

Big Turnout At Fire Board Meeting

Thank you to the community for showing up in such numbers at the fire board meeting. There must have been 50 people or so at the meeting.

This is important for Dolan Springs, Meadview, White Hills, and everyone who travels US-93.

A question was asked if only two fire fighters were at a fire could they go in and rescue someone. The Chief and Me Flynn said yes.

Here is a fire department that didn't follow the tow-in-two out rule, it cost lives and $50,000

Why does it costs $166,455 to fund one firefighter, if the salary and benefits for one firefighter is $55,485 how does it cost an additional $110,970?

The $165,455 funds 3 fire fighters. Funding one position is funding 3 firefighters.

It didn't sound right to one person at the meeting and he was right. We need clarification on what it costs to fund one firefighter.

Saving Structures
Someone referred to the fact that the LMRFD doesn't save the primary structure often.

That's not fair to the firefighters. With today's building materials a structure fire ignition to fully involved is about 10-12 minutes.



  1. Do we have a recording anywhere?

  2. Mr. Flynn stated that it costs $166,455 to fund one firefighter POSITION. It takes 3 firefighters to fill "one firefighter position" of 3 rotating shifts.

  3. At the meeting there was talk of the fire department going bankrupt in the past. I want to know what is being done to the persons who mismanaged the money so poorly that our fire department has come to this? Why have meetings where questions can be asked but never answered. I asked three questions, not one straight answer. I asked about volunteers, was told that they take them. Then later, there is no money to train them so they can't be used. The meeting was ti appease us, because it has already been decided to consolidate. They do not care about us, proof they gave away our equipment.

    1. Julie I believe the NACFD wanted a full time paid fire department. That's great for NACFD with a 70 square mile district and 5 fire stations, We cover the 144sm fire district and the 2200sm ambulance area. We can't do that without volunteers. Jay
